Tonight Lisa and I watched a movie called "Facing The Giants". It started out a bit slow with less than hollywood acting, but a great story line none the less. There are many movies about underdog football teams that end up on top, but not like this one. This one had a different twist. Most football movies tend to draw on heart and courage to overcome the bigger more powerful team.
Facing the Giants took it a step further by drawing their power and strength from God. The whole movie was about trusting in God, giving Him the glory in the good and bad times. Learning to put your faith in Him and give it your all. The over arching theme of the movie was, "There is nothing impossible with God". Such a great life lesson for us all to remember.
As the movie ended, I found myself wanting to experience what they had. To give everything to God, to give Him the glory in ALL things, and to know that with Him all things are possible.
Every day I need to tell myself that. Everyday, as I start my day out, I need to resolve to give everything I have to God. 110% having nothing left because I gave it all for him. And at the end of the day to give Him all the glory no matter what happens, win or lose.
I'm glad I watched this movie tonight, I think I needed it.