In Genesis 22, we read about Abraham and how God asks him to sacrifice his own son Isaac on the alter. I like this story because it shows Abraham's devotion and trust in God. In verse 3 we read that Abraham sets out the very next morning to do exactly what God asked him to do without question. I can't imagine what he must have been thinking. That's hardly enough time to wrap your mind around what you were asked to do, but Abraham does so.
Now God instructs Abraham to travel to the region of Moriah (in Jerusalem). This is roughly three days worth of travel from where he was. THREE DAYS, that's a long time to contemplate what you are going to go do. Also he instructs Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt sacrifice, which usually entailed some type of ceremony. Can you imagine, traveling three days with your only son, all the while planning to kill him once you arrive.
Once they come to the region of Moriah, Abraham tells his servants to wait here with the donkey. then he says "we will go worship and then we will come back to you."
This sentence has always caught my attention. Abraham was told by God to go and sacrifice his only son, so he goes with the full intention to do so. However, in this one statement, Abraham reveals his trust and faith in God. He says "we will go and worship". Nothing out of the norm here. Then he says, "and then WE will come back to you." That is the part that has always intrigued me. He either knew that God would provide a sacrifice in place of his son, or he trusted God to raise his son from the dead after he had shown his obedience.
As Abraham raised his hand to kill Isaac, God called out and stopped him. He instead provided a lamb for the sacrifice and I can guarantee that Abraham will never forget that worship service.
There are many lessons to pull from this story but I just want to focus on one. We have to be obedient to God in order for our worship to be true worship. Abraham withheld nothing from God. He was willing to give up his only son to the God that he feared, loved and was devoted to. He was obedient, even when it made no sense. We too should with hold nothing from God. He gave it to us, he provided us with everything we have, and it is really His.
Obedience is part of the biblical blueprint for worship. It is among the most important aspects in the building of the tabernacle
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