Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good Butterflies

Well after lambasting the church in my last blog, I should tell you that good things are beginning to happen. AT UCC we are starting an 8 week study using material from "Way of the Master". It is a tool for evangelism which is something that our church could use some of. Our pastor has been convicted that 2008 will be a year of decision for our church. If we are not an evangelising church then what do we exist for? As I sat there and listened to him explain how this class works, and how we will not only learn about it (which is where it normally stops) but how we are going to put it into practice, I got butterflies in my stomach, I turned white, and got tingles up my spine. After the initial feeling of total fear subsided, I got excited about actually sharing Jesus Christ with others.

I have spent a lot of time in the church from childhood on up, and I have only led two people to Christ and they are my children. As proud as I was about that, I realize that they were young and I will most likely have to explain thing again. I am ashamed that I have not had more conversation with people about Christ especially when I claim to be a Christian. This is our central task, to go make disciples of all nations. These were some of Christ's final words to those standing there with Him before He ascended to Heaven. Usually when someone is leaving, or in human cases dying, they say the most important things last. I am looking forward to the class and to the conversations I will have with people about Christ. I am also excited about the seeds we will plant and hopefully the harvest we will see.

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