Thursday, May 15, 2008

In My Sons Hands

A few weekends ago, my wife and I took our three boys out to the local airfield to watch some planes take off and possibly get one of them a ride in a small plane. The Young Eagles were there and offering rides for kids 8-17. Long story short, my oldest just made the cut off and I learned that I could chip in some cash for fuel and ride a long, so I did.

We loaded up the plane, with my oldest in the co-pilot seat and me in the back with my other son, (he got lucky and got to go as well.) After we took off, the pilot asked if my oldest wanted to fly the plane and of course he said yes. So here I am, helpless in the back seat, making sure my seatbelt is secure, watching my son push and pull and twist the yoke of the plane. Thrusting us down then pulling us up. Surprisingly, I wasn't all that nervous, most likely because I new the real pilot was right there ready to grab the yoke were something to go awry.

I thought about this the other day and thought about how I too often try to steer my life as though I know what I'm doing. I can go this way, and go that way, but that doesn't mean I know what i am doing or what is best for me. Just like my son could fly the plane for a short while, I can direct my life. However, given the plane for too long, we would have surely crashed. If I try to control my life for any given length of time, I will ruin it. I need to remember to let God, the real experienced pilot, steer my life in the direction that is best for me. I need to be the co-pilot not the pilot.


Anonymous said...

Chris, thanks for the modern parable. I've been reminded recently of the importance of story in our lives. Too many times is resort to talking at people because it's easier...and also less engaging.

Chris Kuntz said...

Sam, I have to be careful about that as well. Sometimes I find myself just talking and not allowing time for response especially when it comes to talking with God. I don't know about you, but that is something I fight, making time to spend being quiet before the Lord.
