Saturday, June 21, 2008

A biblical toy

A biblical toy
OK so it has been a while since my last post. School is proving to be very informative, go figure, and very time consuming. Ha Ha I had to go to school to figure that one out. :-) I am loving my time of school and diving into the bible and and all it's rabbit trails. God is blessing me and I thank Him for it.

Fathers day was a week or so ago, and I was given a Wii as a Fathers day/birthday/Christmas/any other celebration excuse we could think of, as a gift. It has been a blast playing with Lisa and the kids when I get the chance to. I never really wanted to get a gaming console due to the fact that I can become a avid gamer.

I didn't like the idea of becoming a couch potato as a result, but the Wii has 2 great features.

#1 it is very active. We were at our friends house a few weeks ago, and I decided to take the challenge of their seven year old and play boxing. Needless to say, after 5 minutes, which included 3 rounds, I had been KO'd three times in a row by a 7 year old and I had rivers of sweat poring off my head, and my pulse was racing, far from the thumb callousing days of Donkey Kong.

#2 It is a biblical gaming system. I didn't realize this at first until I remembered the song I learned as a kid. It goes like this.
Zacchaeus was a Wii little man and a Wii little man was he.......

I couldn't resist!!

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