Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Verses I like

This week in class, we were asked to look through the letters of Paul, and pick various scriptures that we liked and categorize them. I thought I would post them here as well.

Sin - Romans 5:8; I like this verse because it tells us that we don't need to be perfect before we can be loved by God. I have heard people say that they are too bad for God to do anything with them or love them. This verse proves that theory wrong. While we were still sinners, He sent his son to die for us.

Salvation - Romans 5:9; This verse shows us the extent of Gods love, and give us hope for the day he returns. For those of us in Christ, we have much hope that the Glory of God will be revealed in us.

Grace - Titus 2:11; This verse goes back to what Paul tells us in Romans. the gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit is for all men who will receive it. Jew or Gentile, there is no favored group when it comes to the love of Christ.

Faith - 2 Timothy 4:7; I like this verse because it tells me that there are no guarantees that life will be ease, and that through faith I can make it through. It tells me that there will be times when my faith is tested, and I will have to fight to maintain it. Only through the strength of Christ, and my faith in Him will I preserver.

Hope - Romans 12:12; I always tell our congregation, that as Christians we have a hope that Christ will return soon and His glory will be revealed. Our Joy comes from knowing that he will return because he has promised he would.

Love - 2 Timothy 1:7; I love this verse, no pun intended, because it inspires me to be strong in my faith. It inspires me to be full of boldness in sharing the gospel with others. I still struggle with this at times, but them I am reminded of this verse and it encourages me to stand strong and be who God made me to be.

Which ones do you like?

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