I find it interesting that the word "Transition" as defined by Webster says:
1 a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : change b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another
The very next definition for the same word says:
2 a : a musical modulation b : a musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another
Over the past few months, Lisa and I have been investigating some opportunities with two churches, both of which have been exploring their future needs in the music and arts ministries. I have spent some time in each place and have been given opportunities to serve them by leading worship in both places. This has been a very good experience for, not only me, but for my family as well. I have learned more about myself, my likes and dislikes, and my family has learned the same for themselves.
As many of you may already know, I gave notice at Union Chapel Church that my family would be leaving at the end of August in pursuit of training for myself and my career, and my calling into full-time ministry. Lisa and I knew that in order for me to get better in leadership, music, and teaching, I would need to move to a place where I could be mentored and trained up. I have learned a lot at Union Chapel and will always be grateful for the lessons, values, spiritual truths, and relationships I have been blessed to receive there.
As the 1st definition says, transition is a time of evolution from one form to another, from one stage to another, and that pretty much mirrors or explains my life right now. I am in transition as I move from being the sole music and arts leader, to a place where I will be among many leaders in that ministry. At first I am sure that I will struggle because for 13 years I have done this without specific mentorship or training, and I have gotten used to making decisions on my own. I have served under some great pastors and friends, but now I will get the opportunity to serve along side other leaders whose calling is the same and who's passions are the same. This will be a huge plus for me as I believe it will make me a better leader, a more creative musician and will in general stretch me and train me up.
Currently I feel as though I am in the middle with out a particular place to stand. It is a weird feeling, but one that I know is necessary. I know what my past looks like and where I have been, and I have a pretty clear idea of what the near future holds, so I guess you could say, I know right where I am. I guess that is a good thing..(insert chuckle)
The second part of the definition describes the word transition by using musical language, this I found funny since my life kind of revolves around music. As I thought about it a little more, I guess you could say that my life, (my song) is in transition. I am somewhere between the Verse and the Chorus. Let's say I am in the Pre-Chorus of my life right now. There is tension, and the volume is building, and you know that something more is coming, yet there is a slight pause, a small hesitation before things get on....and once it does, things seem to move along more smoothly. Ok enough of the metaphors, you get what I mean....
I am excited to say the least about what is coming and once everything gets ironed out and finalized, I will be more free to share it all. I trust that God has everything in control and is leading this process as we stay prayerful and watchful as to what He is doing in our lives. The feelings, the process, the "transitions" will all make sense and will all be worth it in the end.
So anyway, I say all this to try to explain how I have been feeling lately with our move. Stuck in the middle, not sure where to stand, a little out of the loop, but excited about what is to come.............Hmmmm...it would have been easier to just say that.
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