Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Regrets, Resolutions and Realizations

Looking back on this past year, I found myself going through my thoughts and making mental lists of things I encountered. Thought I would write them down.

I have some regrets from 2006, some of which are:
Not spending more time with my kids. They grow up so fast and I wonder where I've been and what I've missed.
Not reading more of God's word, and getting closer to Him.
Not keeping in touch with old friends.

resolutions for 2007:
To continue to learn to play the guitar more efficiently and to start playing the keyboard again.
To laugh more and to not be such a stick in the mud.
To love my wife and kids more and spend more valuable time with them.
To strengthen my relationship with God.
And of course to loose about 20 pounds

realizations from 2006:
Time flies when your having fun.
Great vocals is way better than great music.
I have a desire to go back to school and get a degree in music.
I'm not perfect (kinda already knew that one).
I love my wife more today than the day we got married (and that was a lot back then)
My wife gets more beautiful every day.
My kids will one day be smarter than me.
Life is short and fragile.
Good friends make life better.
Stepping out in faith is scary, but necessary to grow in Christ.

I'm sure there is a lot more but in a nut shell.......

I hope your 2006 was fantastic, and if for some reason it wasn't, remember God knows what 2007 holds for you. And if your following Him, and seeking His will, then it will turn out to be a great year.

1 comment:

sdennie said...

A stick in the mud, huh?

You'll discover that your kids are smarter than you when they're about nine and are using a computer and can do all kinds of stuff that you don't have a clue about.
