Well here it is the first post of the new year. So begins the diets, exercise (both physical and mental) and also begins the process of reaching new goals set for 07'.
As I look back at 2006, I see how God has moved in our lives to place us right where we are. A lot happened during 2006, and I can see a lot coming in 2007. There are new things on my plate, things I have never experienced before, goals I've never set before, and I know it will take the hand of God to help me reach them.
God has blessed my family in many ways, some of which I may never realize. I do know one thing though, He has been gracious to me, my wife and my kids. He has lead us through some very trying times and shown us the way when it was dark. He has always been there for us and I have faith that the future will be no different.
As I continue to lead worship and learn new ways to do so, I am awe struck at how big God is. His design of the universe, the human body, the order of nature is amazing to me. My wife often teases me because I enjoy documentaries about nature and space and the oceans. It may be weird, but I get caught up in the "bigger than me" factor. To think that God created all of this, set all of it in place, thought of all the little details, and caused them to work together to enable life on this planet, and yet knows who I am, just amazes me. I hope that I never lose that. I hope that when I'm 78 years old, I'm still humbled that I am an interest to God. It keeps me in my place. I hope your New Year is filled with awe inspiring moments. Moments that cause to stop and think about God and His love for you. Take time to stop and smell the roses so to speak.
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