Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I'm not one that likes to be fussed over. I prefer to be the one fussing and taking care of others, that's how I'm made up. I haven't even had my surgery yet and I have had many phone calls asking "How are you?" and "What can I do for you?" I know people care for me and it is nice to know that so many do, it's just hard to know that I will be a burden to those I love even for a day. I suppose that this is the way I have always been. I helped my parents take care of my brother David for most of my childhood, he had Muscular Dystrophy. Even though I would rather have been out playing most of those days, I know that it ingrained in me a concern and compassion for others. I also suppose that others have that ingrained in them as well. So as much as it makes me uncomfortable to have others do for me, I guess it does them good to do something that makes them feel good as well.

So to all of you who have called out of concern and offered meals and prayers, I say an honest Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

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