Monday, January 29, 2007

Standing Alone

The other day a friend of mine asked me what I thought of this picture. At first I just thought it was a neat picture, nothing really popped into my head. Later that night as I was driving home I started thinking about that picture again, and what jumped out at me was the formation right in the middle. It was standing there all by itself. It appeared to be made of the same material as the large rock face behind it, but something about this formation made it strong and able to withstand the outside forces that shaped everything around it.

My thoughts went from this rock formation to how we as Christian often will find ourselves standing alone against the large face of society. We are made of the same stuff as all other humans, however what makes us strong and able to withstand the outside forces is what we have hidden in our hearts. The words of our Father have been given to us to make us strong. When we hid them in our hearts we will have the strength to stand in the fiercest of storms. Standing alone is hard, but when you do, you will always be noticed and often times admired by those looking from afar. I've met people who thought they were weak and small, but in reality they were strong and mighty, not of their own doing, but because they loved the Lord Jesus Christ with all their hearts and it is He that made them strong.

Like this rock formation, we as Christians will all face a time of standing alone in our faith, but just remember one thing. God told Joshua that He would never leave him or forsake him. I believe that is a promise for us as well. One that we can take to the bank. We may stand alone in the physical world, but we will never truly be alone.

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