Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Dead Vine

Yesterday, I went out and trimmed up the grape vine in the backyard. I think I have blogged about this before, but it pruning the vine always reminds me of John 15:1-3.

As I pruned the vines that had no fruit, I watched myself as I had no mercy for the vine that bore nothing. I lopped it off without a second thought, set it aside to dry so it could be burned in the fire later. My concern was for the vines that had clusters of grapes on them, getting the extra nutrients to them instead of growing pretty green vines that did nothing for my grape jelly.

I thought about God and how quickly He must cut off those dead or non producing vines. Does He think about it or does He do it with only the healthy ones in mind? I'm not sure, I would think that His concern would be for the vines that are producing fruit.

As Christians, we are called to bear witness of Jesus Christ to the world, thereby making disciples of all nations (fruit). If we are not doing such things, we risk being cut off and thrown into the fire.

What are you today?

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