Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Approaching God

Every morning I get up before the rest of the family and get ready for work. With Lisa's new work schedule, I leave before she gets out of bed. She is usually always either sleeping or going back to sleep as I leave, and I always give her a good bye kiss before going. The other morning, I was in a hurry, and as I bent down to kiss her head, my approach was a little quick, and I hurriedly kissed her and started walking out the door. She asked if everything was OK, and I said yes why? She said the way I kissed her didn't seem right and she thought I was mad or something. I assured her everything was OK I was just running late.
She drifted back off to sleep and I headed out for work.

As I was driving to work saying my morning prayers, I thought about what she said and it caused me to think about how I approach God. Do I approach God in a hurry so I can get on with life? Or do I approach with the intent of lingering in his presence for awhile? I thought about how many times I throw up a prayer on the way to work, or right before I go to bed, and I wonder if God ever says, "What's wrong? The way you approached me didn't seem right."

To Lisa it might have been a fairly insignificant thing, but to me it was a lesson. How we approach those we love tells that person something.

What are you telling God by how you approach him?


Anonymous said...

How appropriate for me was your lesson this morning. Sometimes, I have trouble focusing on my devotions or going to prayer every morning. I enjoy the relationship I have God that He and I are on a constant conversation plateau, meaning, we talk to each other all throughout the day.
However, there are times I feel like a pagan when praying out loud with a group of people. I try to focus on Him and Him alone, yet there are so many hurtine people in our church, that taking them, by name, to the Father's throne, is difficult.
i.e. - the prayer request that came through Khristian Letz. This is such a little boy, the only boy of Kevin and Michelle, and Michelle with all her problems, my heart ached last night for the entire family.
Anyway - thank you for recognizing the parallel between Lisa and God and time spent. I loved it!

sdennie said...

Superb analogy, Chris.